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Me and Ben Flanagan of The Trophy Fire at Silverlake Lounge, Nov 15th.

On the Roxx with Alexx Calise, Oct. 15th.

Since Resonance’s inception in June 2011, I’ve undergone parental health crises, cross country moves, a three month stay on the West Coast, and the growth of a new family member due in just a few days.

Music has been my joy and solace through much of the turmoil.  Over these past few months however, even music has failed to provide the necessary balm for soothing life’s upheavals.

My current need to focus on family responsibilities and organize daily life exceeds my underlying ache to create.  Writing has ceased to come easily, and what was once a hobby has become one more undone item on my to-do list.  Time to move on.  Or at least retreat for a spell.

Experiencing Dissilence 2 with Nostalghia, Dec. 3rd.

I have greatly appreciated the opportunities to personally meet a few of the artists I’ve reviewed and interviewed.

Thanks to all who have submitted material to Resonance and helped make it fun.  Best of luck to you in your music.
